Monday, October 5, 2015

Campus Marketing Insights from a College Student

As a third-year student, I always feel pressed for time trying to balance my busy schedule filled with classes, homework, and studying with my health and social life. At times it may seem impossible to allocate enough time to all three of these categories. Because of my constant time crunch, whenever I’m on campus I usually close myself off to outside influences and stick to my own plan. I try to ignore all of the companies, clubs, and other organizations that promote themselves on campus because I don’t have the time to spare. But the second I spot free giveaways like food or t-shirts, somehow I can find the time to divert from my hectic schedule and check out what the organization has to say. This is the weakness of college students. There is a lot of truth in the stereotype of the typical “broke” college student with a stretched budget. Between paying for rent, utilities, groceries, textbooks, and other amenities, college students are always looking to get the biggest “bang for their buck”, without spending too much. 
College students have unique qualities as a target segment. The most successful method I have witnessed of attracting this segment is providing an incentive. Whether the incentive is a free t-shirt, food, trial, or discount, the offer is bound to make students pause and listen. Another characteristic of college students marketers must take into account is their preference for mobile devices. With such active schedules students are constantly on the go. As a result, mobile strategies are the best ways to reach college students.
I recently discovered two mobile applications that successfully incorporated these two marketing strategies. Hooked is an app that offers its users discounts and deals to various local restaurants. Pocket points is an app that gives students awards for not using their cell phones during class. Students can then “cash in” the points they earn for discounts and free items at local and online businesses. These apps present great marketing opportunities for local businesses. The apps provide massive exposure for their company to thousands of students who may have never expressed interest without the app.

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